Jenn Munselle

Please contact Jenn directly for more information or an appointment: 732-720-5995

Mediumship Readings

This session allows for connecting with loved ones who have transitioned into light energy. Jenn acts as a bridge connecting this physical dimension to the light dimension bringing through messages for you, reassuring you of the connection between dimensions and for empowering you as you travel in your journey.

Length of session: 30/60 Minutes
Cost: $60/$120


This session includes a Reiki healing session followed with a 30-minute Reading. These sessions allow for healing & insights into your soul/self-expression that can then guide you in your evolving into authentic self and power.

Length of Session: 90 Minutes
Cost: $140

Soul & Self-Expansion

These sessions allow for energetic healing - physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually using Reiki. During session, energetic channels are opened, chakras are balanced, and congestion & blocks are released & removed allowing for smoother flow of energy. During this time, you create a Sacred Space that allows you to open to your inner being, enabling you to receive loving, guiding messages for your best & highest good. Messages received while in your sacred space or through Jenn during session will be discussed at the end of the session.

Length of session: 90 Minutes
Cost: $125

Crystal Healing with Guided Meditation

Here, gems & crystals of Mother Earth are incorporated into healing. Placed around & on you to clear, cleanse, heal & release that which no longer serves you. The space created in the healing & releasing then allows for new energy more suited to whom & where you are at this step in your journey, to enter. As you rest bathing in crystal energy, a guided meditation of your choice is recited to aid in the transition.

Length of session: 60 Minutes
Cost: $100

Giving Freedom

Clearing & healing modality designed to release different layers of karmic programming, to empower you in being your authentic, divine self. You rest on a bed, immersed in crystal energy, while Jenn, using a pendulum and charts, releases energy and programs which longer serve you and replaces with higher vibrational energy.

Length of session: 90 Minutes
Cost: $125

Reiki/Giving Freedom

To clear, open and balance your physical and subtle body systems. Followed by 1 hour of Giving Freedom, to clear, release & heal you. All designed to reveal, enlighten & empower you, in your expansion for your life's journey.

Length of session: 2 Hours
Cost: $195