Astrology With Marilyn

The First Eclipse Pair of 2024

“A Child is born on that day and on that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma.” Sri Yukteshwar

“Superstitious awe of astrology makes on an automation, slavishly dependent on mechanical guidance.”

 The wise man defeats his planets—which is to say, his past—by transferring his allegiance from the creation to the Creator.

The more he realizes his unity with Spirit, the less he can be dominated by matter.” Sri Yukteshwar


These eclipses are the beginning of a pair of 4 eclipses, two now and two in the fall on the Aries/Libra axis, so this is the beginning of something that will finish up towards the end of the year and when the nodes of the moon change signs in February of 2025.


Mercury is in shadow on the first eclipse and in full retrograde at the second, so Mercurial themes of mind, our thought process, business and communication are also in full focus at this time.


March 25th– Lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra

During this eclipse, Venus, the ruler of the eclipse will be in Pisces (in her highest dignity) but also conjunct Saturn and trine to Pluto in Aquarius. It speaks of a positive and transformative change to a relationship in your life, or someone very karmic in your life is upgrading somehow. Why? Because Venus is in her highest dignity in Pisces, and she is in good energy with transformative Pluto at the time of this eclipse.  Indeed, Venus is conjunct Saturn, so there could be some sadness, but it also shows that what whatever is lifting and transforming now is a relationship or situation in our lives that has not been a superficial one, or an easy one, or a new one. It is a situation that’s been a lot of work.  A new solid sense of power emerges from this because of the trine to Pluto and because of Venus being in her highest dignity.  

This is a south node eclipse, which indicates we are working with releasing an element of the shadow side of the archetype of libra and this will play out wherever Libra sits on your personal chart wheel. Libra shadow is codependency, wearing a mask and hiding the true self or simply being out of balance in some way. With Mercury in focus, it could be a mental release, healing, or balancing.  Some of us, especially Libra risers and the cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer) are becoming more of our true selves.

 The conjunction to Saturn is a “get real” type of energy. Saturn is usually where we gain wisdom, work hard, and grow up. It seems to be like a relationship we’ve worked very hard at might finally be wrapping up into something much nicer or finishing before the rebirth on the Aries axis happens for the next eclipse.  


In the sidereal sky, this eclipse is on the Virgo- Pisces axis of health, service, solitude, karmic deeds to complete, spirituality, deception and hidden things. It is ruled by Mercury, so once again, this Mercury retrograde is a little more important than some others and deems it newsworthy.

April 8 – Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries

 We begin the month with Mercury retrograde in Aries, then an eclipse at 19 Aries conjunct Chiron, followed by the wonderful Jupiter/Uranus conjunction.

April 1-2: Mercury retrogrades at 27 degrees Aries and travels back to 15 degrees, until April 25-26. We will still be in Mercury shadow until May 14 – 15.

Be flexible, support your nervous system at this time, Milky Oats tea is great for that, also Damiana and Lemon Balm.


The Eclipse

This is a totality eclipse over the United States. Here is a link from NASA showing the path of the eclipse

 And yes, there is a lot of frenzy going on with this one. There is a woman on Tik Tok spreading fear and telling everyone that the world is going to end because the sun moved out of the proper zodiac sign and it is not aligned correctly because when she looks at her sky app, the sun will be in Pisces, and “not Aries where it is supposed to be” and this is a bad omen. I am here to tell you that the sun IS in Pisces during this eclipse, and it is NOT a conspiracy or bad omen. The zodiac system we follow is no longer aligned with the stars but with the equinoxes and solstices and that is why. It still works though because the seasons, which guide our seasonal mid-points, do not change. They are equally divided in this system. Also, astrology is so complicated that a generalization is sometimes better.

 So indeed, the sun is still in Pisces, but with serious Aries vibes. I just wanted to make that clear 😊. Aries is a NEW BEGINNING and funny – Aries is about Pushing Through Fear (and Pisces deception), so hopefully, with Mercury retrograde during this time some of us might make the choice to discern first before just accepting fear mongering, and then decide if there is really anything to be afraid of. New Good Things ARE Coming in the Aries sector of your chart. When Mercury is retrograde in a fire sign it tells us NOT TO JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS – think, be practical and focus. There is nothing “3D” about using the brain we are blessed with.


This eclipse is conjunct Chiron in Aries which is quite a punch. There is a focus on healing and breaking through VERY DEEP wounds (in the Aries sector of your chart), and with Mercury retrograde in Aries there could be continuing news about war and wounding, especially since the ruler of this eclipse is Mars. Saturn is prominent in this eclipse, so there is a solemn feeling along with this new start. As a north node eclipse, and ruled by Mars, there is a significant moving forward in the area of your life where Aries rules your chart.  Mars always “gets something moving”. Mars is also very physical, and with Chiron in focus, areas where we are vulnerable could be calling for revival at a deep, level – but not immediately. It is the beginning. A solar eclipse is a dark moon so it will be the start of a slow-grow.  Maybe there is something inside of us that we are loving for the very first time. Saturn signifies a reality check or having to grow up a little bit more than you were before. It’s a great root chakra meditation energy.  A new maturity emerges.


April 20th: Jupiter – Uranus conjunction in Taurus at 21 degrees. It is almost like a second eclipse!

Delightful surprises and breakthroughs in the Taurus sector of your chart could happen or may have already started since this orb has been moving along since March. On the others side of this, the last time this conjunction occured in Taurus was in 1941 (world war 2). This could have been a time when the world was beginning to see the trauma of war and genocide and human behavior. This changed global politics and financial markets. Uranus is a collective energy and asks us to upgrade something. Sometimes we do, sometimes we do not.  So, what was happening during World War 2 that some say is happening now somewhere in this world?  We can all come our own conclusion on that but it’s time for humanity to upgrade and live in peace.  Every human being has this right to live in freedom and peace, as well as all of the creatures on this planet.  This is also related to earthquakes, natural resources, food, finances.


*If you would like to go over your personal eclipse chart with me, just call New Earth and they will connect us. I do healings along with my readings, so it is not only information.  I use mostly IET, Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code which releases imbalances, emotions and beliefs that keep you bound.


Happy Spring!


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